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Martin Berrini

Fly Casting Instructor

fly fishing and fly casting 

We are based in Costa Rica at Puerto Viejo the Talamanca, the southern Caribbean Coast is washed by 40 km of crystal clear waters, golden sandy beaches and tropical vegetation. It´s a beautiful set up for barefoot lessons, beach holidays and fantastic fishing!! if you like the idea drop me a line! I´ll be happy to help you. We speak Spanish, English and Italian.


the Fishing

What makes Colina Secreta so special is not the incredible fishing but the experience itself. The charming atmosphere of our house after a long day on the sea is the perfect location to relax and enjoy the timeless atmosphere.

We are pleased to offer a wide variety of fishing adventures to choose from. The main fish to target is on the sea the tarpon on the fly but there are also bonfish and permit making this destination a great place to make the gran slam. The fishery is in the coast of Manzanillo Natural Reserve and the Sixaola river mouth close to the Panama border.

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the river fishing adventure

We will visit the Bribri Indian reservation for one or two nights. We will fish in crystal clear water rivers looking for the ghostly bobo mullet (Joturus pichardi)

This is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in cultural traditions that date back thousands of years, like in a Discovery Chanel series!.

We will be in a family house they share their cooking skills and you’ll learn in a traditional way how the chocolate is made.

If you love fly fishing because is the excuse for new adventures, this is a trip for you.

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coaching fly casting

Fly fishing is not that difficult, like other sports tennis or golf, my contribution is to help you improve and learn faster in a relaxed way not matter is your level, always there is something new to learn!

According to your level and what you want to work we will cover the next:


Begginer Fly Caster

  • Introduction to Fly Casting

  • Equipment Overview from the backing to the fly: rod, reel and line.

  • The Rods Length, weight, action and purpose

  • The Fly lines weight length and profile. Matching the rod and different fishing species.

  • The Theory and Mechanics of Fly Casting, brief introduction.

  • The grip and rod position

  • The stance

  • The basic cast to go fishing

  • The Pick Up and Lay down cast

  • The Roll Cast

  • The Overhead Cast

  • Shooting and Handling line

  • False Casting

  • Simple basic knots

  • Basics for Fish Release

Intermediate Fly Caster
  • Dynamic Roll Cast

  • Off-shoulder Roll Cast

  • Casting in windy conditions

  • Shooting in the back cast

  • Casting heavy flies into the wind

  • Casting to fast moving fish

  • Slipping line

  • Fixing Tailing Loops

  • Parachute and Pile Casts

  • Bow and Arrow Cast

  • Single Haul

  • Double Haul

  • Long Line Pick Up

  • Improving the leader system

  • Special knots

Advanced Fly Caster


  • CI preparation

  • Fine-tuning

  • Accuracy

  • Casting Shooting Heads

  • Saltwater Quick Cast

  • Casting the opposite shoulder side

  • Minimizing False Casting

  • Adding Distance to the Cast

  • Improving the maximum carry line.

  • Snake Roll Cast

  • Curve Cast

  • Aerial Mends

  • Slack Line casts


Martin is the only Fly Fishers International Certified Casting Instructor in Costa Rica with over 40 years of fly fishing experience. Being a native of Argentina your first interest were the Patagonian waters. Living in Europe for 20 years he fished extensively the European waters. He fished for trout grayling and salmon in different countries like Italy, France, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Sweden, Ireland and Poland. He has fished also many other exotics destinations like Egypt, Brazil Malaysia and Indonesia. Martin is also a veterinarian an advanced diver and a conservationist.

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Fly Fishers International is the only international organization with a certified fly casting instruction program. The Casting Instructor Certification Program began in 1992 for the purpose of enhancing the overall level of instruction in fly casting, including instructor knowledge, casting proficiency, and teaching ability. FFI certified instructors are internationally recognized as highly competent instructors.

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Brian McGlashan

Meeting Martin in Italy when I was part off the FFI Examiner team during a Casting Instructor Assessment, it quickly became obvious how much love and passion he had for Fishing, casting  and teaching. It was a real pleasure and privilege to be part of his Journey.

He has the knowledge and the skill sets but he has something that others don't. Martin has the ability to connect with people and make them feel they have known you for years and this puts them at ease. He did this with me and it left an Impression.


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Chris Hague

I would highly recommend Martin to anybody wishing to start fly fishing or improve their existing skill set. Martin has a great personal skills which is a fantastic asset to have when teaching as communication is key.


Boretti Marco

Ho avuto modo di conoscere Martin in occasione della preparazione al suo esame CI, come mentore e membro della Fly Fishers International, ed ho potuto verificare la sua ottima conoscenza del lancio e delle tecniche di pesca.

Come Master Instructor FFI, ho seguito la sua preparazione, è stato un piacere lavorare con lui soprattutto per il grande interesse mostrato alla tecnica di insegnamento ed all’esame CI che ha superato brillantemente.


Mark Surtees

“Martin and I worked together on developing teaching techniques for advanced instructors. Martin is clearly an understanding and effective instructor who could help anyone interested in the amazing sport of fly fishing get on a fish. If you have a good instructor anyone can try the fly”


Valerio Santagostino

The facility with which Martin projected the line distantly, as well as the simplicity of his explanation of the casts and his valuable advices ( arising from all the years spent on the river ), truly impressed me. A real professional but mostly a beloved and true friend.


Sekhar Bahadur

"Martin is a great caster, fisherman and teacher. i recommend him very highly, and am sure any student of his will have a wonderful time!"

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Making a positive impact on the local community and helping protect the environment is at the center of our everyday activities. More glass and no more straws and plastic disposables, buying local products as much as possible.

At Colina Secreta with Marine Conservation Costa Rica we have an iniciative called"Back to the Sea" where we encourage guests to return shells and corals to the sea

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A FECOP iniciative, Supporting Sport Fishing  Through
Science, Conservation and Education

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Tel: +506 83509066

Calle Margarita Km. 1.6

Cocles Beach 70403,

Puerto Viejo de Talamanca

Costa Rica

Information guide 

Find contact information, key locations

and activities in the area, seasonal weather,
health requirements, services and facilities, local wildlife, and transport from San José.

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